Sunday, August 1, 2010

Work In Progress - Granny Square Afghan

My current WIP is a granny square afghan made from Linie 136 Bingo..a mercerized cotton.  It's a big undertaking as I am amking it to fit our kingsize bed.  The finished measurements will be approx 105" by 105"...I am making it in a center out diamond pattern and have figured out the square counts.
Based on my 5 colors..I will need 88 squares of each color.  Somehow I dont think my 5 50g skeins of each color is going to be enough....*sighs....this afghan is turning out to be a very expensive project...>.<
Pics to follow soon as I finish a square in each color...the colors themselves are totally yummy...just wish I could find a deeeep deeeep discount on this

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